Info A clever or smart person is generally understood as having broad knowledge and the sharpness of mind required to put that knowledge to good use, especially when applying rational thought to longreaching decisions, with the broad knowledge leaning more on the smart side and the sharp mind on the clever sideCharlotte Dimandias is a young woman who serves as the Little Garden's Main Technical Expert and Chief Researcher on Hundreds Her authority is equal to that of the student council, that she can go against them or question their decisions She is best friends with Emilia, and she is the only one who knows her secret 原作:箕崎准 発行:GA文庫/SBクリエイティブ キャラクター原案:大熊猫介(ニトロプラス)監督:小林智樹 シリーズ構成:白根秀樹 キャラクターデザイン:田中紀衣 音楽:鳴瀬シュウヘイ 音楽制作:DIVEIIentertainment アニメーション制作:プロダクションアイムズ 出演:如月ハヤト(長谷川芳明) エミール・クロスフォード(大久保瑠美) 霧島サクラ(吉岡茉祐 シャーロット ディマンディウス Anipedia アニペディア シャーロット・ディマンディウス